“海外院士講壇”第七期邀請到了英國皇家工程院院士,英國曼徹斯特大學航空航天工程系主任、航空航天研究院院長和西北複合材料中心主任Constantinos Soutis教授為師生們開講。他将結合個人經曆,為大家講述英國高等教育是如何引導和培養研究型人才。講座将在線上展開,歡迎各位師生莅臨參與!
報告人:Constantinos Soutis教 授
報告主題:Higher Education in the UK: How to nurture and guide research talent
報告時間:2021年12月9日 16:00(北京時間)
線上鍊接:Zoom會議535 219 6735(密碼nuaa)
報告摘要:Higher education (HE) in the United Kingdom (UK) has a long history. Teaching in the city of Oxford is documented from 1096, making the University of Oxford the oldest university in the English-speaking world. The University of Cambridge celebrated its 800n anniversary in 2009. Three Scottish universities-St Andrews, Glasgow and Aberdeen - were founded in the 15-th century, while the University of Edinburgh was established by royal charter in 1583. A major expansion of higher education in the UK occurred in the 19-th century with the awarding of roval charters to several colleges, among them King's College London, and University College London. In addition, the latter part of the century saw the foundation of medical, science and engineering colleges in England's maior industrial cities, some of which eventually amalgamated to became the so-called “redbrick” universities of Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester (1824) and Sheffield.
A good quality university bloom in an environment that fosters competitiveness, creative thinking, innovation and freedom to pursue all ideas.It provides a learning environment that encourages working on innovative projects in order to promote holistic personality development for nurturing future leaders. In the ideal academic setting scholars, have the time and resources to search fortruths within their fields. Academic communities of integrity advance the quest for truth and knowledge through intellectual and personal honesty in learning, teaching, research and service.
Weare ambitious in our pursuit of new ideas, greater understanding and discovery. We share and apply our knowledge and experience to guide balanced and evidenced decisions for ourselves and for society. This highly ranked university is popular among international students for its teaching and research quality,employability prospects and student experience with one of the largest and diverse student communities in the country, made up of students from 160 countries.
Constantinos Soutis教授,劍橋大學博士,特許工程師,英國皇家工程院院士,皇家航空學會會員,機械工程師學會會員,材料、礦物質研究協會會員。
Constantinos Soutis教授先後任職于劍橋大學(1986- 1991),萊斯特大學(1991-1994)、美國麻省理工大學(2000-2001)、倫敦帝國理工學院(1994 -2002)和謝菲爾德大學(2002-2012)。
2012年10月,Constantinos Soutis教授擔任曼徹斯特大學航空航天工程系教授,航空航天研究所所長和英國曼徹斯特大學西北複合材料中心主任。目前有超過100名知名學者加盟了該研究所。
Soutis教授是應用複合材料雜志的副主編,曾任英國皇家航空協會航空雜志和國際結構健康監測雜志的副主編(2010- 2016)。同時他還擔任《航空航天科學進展》、《複合材料科學與技術》、《結構完整性和耐久性》、《美國材料與試驗協會國際雜志》、《塑料,橡膠及複合材料學報》、《先進複合材料信件》、《結構完整性學報》和《應用複合材料學報》等學術期刊的編委,為十幾家國際期刊撰寫評論,并擔任《複合材料A部分:應用科學與制造》、《航空學報》(英國皇家航空協會)、《複合材料科學與技術》和《應用複合材料》的客座編輯。
2014年8月5日,Constantinos Soutis教授當選為英國皇家工程院院士(FREng)。
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