“海外院士講壇”第八期講座預告|加拿大皇家科學院院士、加拿大工程院院士Yusuf Altintas教授——數字加工


“海外院士講壇”第八期邀請到了加拿大皇家科學院院士、加拿大工程院院士、國際機械工程師學會(SME)、國際加工學會(CIRP)、美國機械工程學會(ASME)會士、加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學NSERC-P&WC工業研究首席教授Yusuf Altintas為師生們開講。本次講壇将以科學的數字模型為基礎,為同學們介紹機床加工操作時的虛拟設計、測試、優化、監控和控制。講座将在線上展開,12月10日上午10點Zoom會議在線播放,10點40分進行答疑環節,歡迎各位師生莅臨參與!

主持人:趙國龍 教 授

報告人:Yusuf Altintas教 授

報告主題:Digital Machining

報告時間:12月10日 上午10:00(北京時間)

線上鍊接:Zoom 會議 871 0264 3193 (密碼035274)


The aim of our research is to develop mathematical models of metal cutting operations, machine tool vibrations and control. The science-based digital models allow the virtual design, testing, optimization, monitoring and of control of machine tools and machining operations.

The model predicts the cutting forces, torque, and power consumed in machining parts by considering CNC system, material properties, cutter geometry, structural flexibilities, and cutting conditions along the tool path. The simulation system predicts chatter-free cutting conditions within the work volume of the machine tool or detects the presence of chatter vibrations along the tool path. The dynamics of servo drive control systems, and trajectory generation as a function of jerk, acceleration and velocity profiles of machine tools are considered in simulating the machine tool behavior along the tool path. An in-house developed virtual and real-time CNC system allows the design and analysis of any five-axis machine tool controller. Current research includes digital twin approach, where virtual simulation and real-time machine tool monitoring are integrated to achieve intelligent, self-adjusting machine tools.

The algorithms are published in the open literature and packaged in industrial software toolbox which can be used as a process planning tool by production engineers, or as an analysis and monitoring modules by industry.


Yusuf Altintas,加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學NSERC-P&WC工業研究首席教授。他在加工過程建模與分析、加工刀具主軸與進給驅動的設計與控制、超精密加工等領域做出了傑出貢獻,是加拿大皇家科學院院士,加拿大工程院院士,國際機械工程師學會(SME)、國際加工學會(CIRP)、美國機械工程學會(ASME)會士。


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