“海外學術大師講壇”第十六期邀請到了英國皇家工程院院士、愛爾蘭皇家科學院院士、愛爾蘭工程院院士、英國貝爾法斯特女王大學皇家榮譽教授Máire O’Neill教授為師生們開講。在講座中Máire O’Neill教授将講解機器學習在基于硬件的威脅和提高硬件安全性方面的作用。講座将在線上展開,歡迎各位師生莅臨參與!
主講人:Prof. Máire O’Neill
報告題目:Machine Learning and Hardware Security
報告時間:2022年11月29日 16:30-17:30(GMT+8)
線上鍊接:ZOOM會議:817 7379 7525
With the globalisation of supply chains the design and manufacture of today’s electronic devices are now distributed worldwide, for example, through the use of overseas foundries, third party intellectual property (IP) and third party test facilities. Many different untrusted entities may be involved in the design and assembly phases and therefore, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure the integrity and authenticity of devices. The supply chain is now considered to be susceptible to a range of hardware-based threats, including hardware Trojans, IP piracy, reverse engineering, IC cloning and side-channel attacks. These attacks are major security threats to military, medical, government, transportation, and other critical and embedded systems applications. This talk will explore the role machine learning has to play in hardware-based threats and in improving hardware security.
Professor Máire O’Neill, FREng, FIAE, MRIA, OBE, is Regius Professor in Electronics and Computer Engineering and Director of the Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT) at Queens University Belfast, N.Ireland. She is also Director of the £5M UK-wide Research Institute in Secure Hardware and Embedded Systems (RISE: www.ukrise.org) and is a member of the UK AI Council. She is chair of the IEEE Circuits and Systems for Communications Technical Committee. She previously served as Associate Editor for IEEE TC and IEEE TETC. She has received numerous awards which include a Blavatnik Engineering and Physical Sciences medal, 2019, a Royal Academy of Engineering Silver Medal, 2014 and British Female Inventor of the Year 2007. She has authored two research books, 6 book chapters and over 185 peer-reviewed conference and journal publications. She is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, a member of the Royal Irish Academy and Fellow of the Irish Academy of Engineering.
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